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Internet Advancement 2.0

Internet Advancement 2.0 is Here

The new tool to quickly input advancement data, Internet Advancement 2.0 (previously known as Scoutbook Lite) is now live. This free solution replaces the previous Internet Advancement platform, which will be retired (for all programs except Exploring) on June 10, 2019.

Internet Advancement 2.0 will feature a clean, new user interface and will be optimized to whatever device you use: desktop, tablet or smartphone.

Internet Advancement 2.0 will offer optimized functions for everything found in the current Internet Advancement platform and can be accessed by Unit Key 3 users, Unit Key 3 delegate users and Unit Advancement Chairs.

End users will access Internet Advancement 2.0 via one of the following locations using their my.Scouting credentials:

After initial release, the BSA IT team will continue to add additional features on a regular basis. Updates and new features will be communicated with the field as they are delivered.

Visit for answers to commonly asked questions. As we are learning this as you do, we don’t yet have any information on our council website about this. But we’ll work to add some as soon as possible.

How to add a person to Internet Advancement 2.0​

Internet Advancement Positions

Users who hold a unit key 3 position will always have complete access to Internet Advancement and will be able to assign additional unit members to other functional positions within the unit. Functional position include "Unit Advancement Chair" and "Key 3 Delegate".

Key 3 Unit Positions

Unit Leader, Chartered Organization Representative, Unit Committee Chair

Managing Functional Unit Positions

Unit Key 3 members can access the "Organization Security Manager" tool within to adjust which adults within the unit hold functional positions such as "Unit Advancement Chair" or "Key 3 Delegate".


How to update Unit Positions?

Access your Organization Security Manager.(Allow 24 to 48 hours for changes to activate in Internet Advancement).

  1. Click on the functional position you would like to fill.

  2. Click the green plus button to choose an adult to add to the position then set an Effective date and Expiration Date.

  3. To remove someone from a position set the expiration date to a date earlier than today.

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